I. Introduction
- More than 10 years have passed since the last review of the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)
before the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee (HRC). Many events have taken
place in Syria. Notably, a non-international armed conflict ensued in early 2012, which
have had devastating effects on Syrians. The conflict witnessed the commission of
countless crimes, violations of civil and political human rights and the displacement of
millions of Syrians. - Syrian women have long faced discrimination (both in law and practice) and violence. With
the start of an armed conflict in 2012, Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) became
a devastating feature of the Syrian conflict. While SGBV was committed against Syrians
from all backgrounds, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian
Arab Republic (COI) reports that “women and girls have been disproportionately affected,
victimized on multiple grounds, irrespective of perpetrator or geographical area.”1 - This submission is made to the Human Rights Committee in advance of its adoption of list
of issues prior to reporting on Syria at the 130th session. The submission will provide
information to the members of the Human Rights Committee on acts of torture, enforced
Disappearances and arbitrary detention perpetrated by the Government of Syria and its
affiliated forces in Syria. The submission will also provide information on violence,
discrimination, SGBV and other violations committed against Syrian women by the
Government of Syria and its affiliated forces.
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